
The Southwest Sports Wellness Foundation will provide young athletes access to programs which support educational and athletic goals. College scholarships will be awarded to graduating high school seniors interested in pursuing a career in sports medicine healthcare, or an allied field.

SWSWF awards twelve (12) scholarships per school year at $500.00 each. The scholarships will be given to graduating senior high school students enrolled in the Sports Medicine Medical Pathway within the Sweetwater Union High School District.

To qualify for a scholarship the following criteria is required

  • Graduating Senior from Sweetwater Union High School District.
  • Completed at least one Sports Medicine CTE class at a Sweetwater Union High School District high school.
  • Will be attending a community college or 4-year college in the fall following graduation.
  • Plans to major in medicine or allied health field profession.
  • At least a 3.0 GPA


  • Applications open in February
  • Students will complete application and turn in to high school site Sports Medicine Teacher.
  • Due date March 17th, 2023
  • Committee Reviews and winners announced in May, 2023.

One scholarship per school will be awarded to the qualified student, the funds will go directly to the college where the student is enrolled. Since 2011 over $60,000 in scholarship funds have been awarded to students in the SUHSD.

Volunteer Opportunities

There are volunteer opportunities for our various programs year-round for all types of individuals including medical professionals, athletic trainers, physical therapists and anyone who just wants to give back! All volunteer opportunities take place in the South Bay/Chula Vista area of San Diego County.
If you are interested in inquiring to be a volunteer with the SWSWF, please email us at [email protected]


The SWSWF Primary Care Sports Medicine fellowship was started in 2009 by Dr. Charles Camarata and partially funded and managed in conjunctions with UCSD Division of Sports Medicine. Current and Past Sports Medicine Fellows with UCSD Family Medicine Residency Program:

  • 2022/2023 – Dr. Becca Lach
  • 2020/2021 – Dr. Alexandra Tee
  • 2020/2021 – Dr. Austin Mandoyan