SUHSD Sports Medicine & Wellness Center
In partnership with the Sweetwater Union High School District (SUHSD), we opened a comprehensive Sports Medicine Injury Clinic & Wellness Center in 2018 on the west side of Chula Vista with more than 800 sq ft of space to screen, assess. and evaluate student-athletes at no cost.
The Wellness Center is currently open four (4) days a week after school to assess athletic injuries or provide sports rehabilitation for student athletes
In addition to screening student-athletes, The Wellness Center is used as a teaching/ mentorship platform for Career Technical Education (CTE) medical career pathways students and SUHSD athletic trainers along with Medical Residents, Fellows, Athletic Training Students and Physical Therapy Students from the various San Diego medical programs and colleges.
Sweetwater Union High School District’s Certified Technical Education (CTE) program provides students with a comprehensive educational experience that encompasses college and career readiness. The Medical Pathways Sports Medicine courses were launched in 2014 with the guidance of Dr. Charles Camarata. In the 2021/2022 school year, all 12 District high schools are offering sports medicine courses with over 1950 students’ enrolled district-wide. Courses offered are Sports Medicine 1, 2 & 3 and taught by SUHSD’s Certified Athletic Trainers. CTE provides programs of study that involve a multi-year sequence of courses that integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge to provide students with a pathway to postsecondary education and careers.
Our relationship with the SUHSD and CTE focuses on exposing students to a wide variety of work-based learning experiences related to healthcare and sports medicine. SUHSD works closely with SWSWF’s team and its Board of Directors to develop programs designed to meet the educational needs of students who desire a career in healthcare. The athletic trainers at each school site teach the Sports Medicine courses with 15 full time athletic trainers currently on staff.
Sports Medicine Medical Pathways
The Sports Medicine Medical Pathway classes through the Career Technical Education Department have an average yearly enrollment of 1,900 students within the 12 high schools, including an enhanced 3-year program offered at 7 of the 12 school sites.

Sports Injury Clinics (SICs)
Purpose: The Sports Injury Clinics purpose is to provide a location where all SUHSD student-athletes can access healthcare easily and obtain an initial evaluation should an injury occur during sports or co-curricular activities. All student-athletes are referred to the SIC via the school’s ATC, nurse, AD, or coach. The injury assessment will be performed at no charge. SWSWF underwrite and promotes the SICs.
Scope of Services: The Sports Injury Clinics are highly specialized sports medicine injury assessments offered to injured student-athletes. An independent medical service provider assists in the diagnosis and treatment plan for the injured student athlete’s return to play, rehabilitation or referral. A complete packet of SIC forms are available to all school’s ATCs, nurses, ADs, and coaches.
Goals: The Sports Injury Clinics support safe participation in organized sports and to maintain the health and safety of student-athletes in training and competition. The goal is for the student-athlete to return to play in a safe and timely manner proceeding an injury.
Format: Year-round (July–May) on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Afternoons. Saturdays are only during Fall August-Nov
The no-cost SICs provide multiple locations in the community where student-athletes can access healthcare quickly to obtain an initial evaluation of their injury. The injury assessment will be performed by a sports medicine service provider at no charge.
Sports Injury Clinics
SUHSD Sports Injury Clinic
& Wellness Center
670 L Street, Suite G • Chula Vista, CA 91911
Open By Appointment Only:
Year-round: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday Afternoon
Manual Orthopedic Physical Therapy Eastlake Clinic
955 Lane Avenue, Suite 201 • Chula Vista, CA 91911
Open Walk-in Only:
Fall: August-November • Saturdays at 8:00 AM
Bring Completed Referral FORM with you.
Appointment Info:
All minors MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Sports Rehabilitation Clinics (SRCs)
SPORTS REHAB CLINICS ARE AVAILABLE BY REFERRAL ONLY, please inquire at your sports injury clinic appointment.
Go to [email protected] to learn more
Purpose: The Sports Rehabilitation Clinics purpose is to provide sports rehab and physical therapy, athlete education, and sports specific training for student athletes. The sports rehab sessions will be performed at no charge. SWSWF underwrite and promote the SRC’s.
Scope of Services: The Sports Rehabilitation Clinics are sports specific physical therapy and rehabilitation offered to injured student-athletes. Student athletes are referred by the SIC’s, school’s ATC’s, nurses, AD’s and coaches. A specifically designed treatment plan is created and monitored for the injured student athlete. Student-athletes are first seen at SIC and are referred for rehabilitation and physical therapy at the SRC.
Goals: The Sports Injury Clinics support safe participation in organized sports and to maintain the health and safety of student-athletes in training and competition. The goal is for the student-athlete to return to play in a safe and timely manner proceeding an injury.
Format: Year-round on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Afternoons.
The no-cost Sports Rehab Clinics provide multiple locations in the community and will be performed by a sports medicine service provider at no charge.

High School Sports Medicine Seminars
The High School Sports Medicine Seminars (HSSMS) were created to provide additional educational opportunities for SUHSD CTE Medical Pathways Sports Medicine high school students. Over 750 students have participated in the seminars since 2017.
Purpose: The HSSMS is dedicated to introducing the field of sports medicine and allied health career pathways to high school students by teaching the students in a fun environment, including lectures by sports medicine professionals, and participating in real life lab scenarios. Students gain work based learning experience and mentorship from healthcare professionals preparing students for college and career post secondary.
Education: The HSSMS will include presentations and training by local physicians, certified athletic trainers, physical therapists and medical experts who will discuss sports-related injuries, treatment, and prevention. Students will have the opportunity to participate in lab scenarios designed and overseen by nationally recognized Certified Athletic Trainers and medical staff.
Audience: All SUHSD CTE Medical Pathways Sports Medicine high school students, teachers, and athletic trainers are invited to participate.
The seminars are hosted in the Winter and Spring each school year. SWSWF has partnered with the University of San Diego, San Diego State University, San Diego Sockers, Point Loma Nazarene University, San Diego Gulls and attend a college or professional sporting event after the seminar.
Lab Scenario Examples:
- Concussion Evaluation & Baseline Testing
- Anatomy Lesson (Stickers)
- AED & CPR Education
- Bracing & Durable Medical Equipment
- Ankle Tape Race
- Sports Nutrition and Hydration
- Careers & Education in Sports Medicine (Panel Discussion)
- Emergency Response & Sideline Awareness (Spine Boarding)